

Mysterious halls and chambers.

d100 Roll Halls of ...
1          Advertising and Marketing
2          Armoring Mastery
3          Bloody Entrails
4          Bountiful Ballads
5          Bowling Competition
6          Conspiratorial Plotting
7          Cool Mentholiptus
8          Daemonic Summonings
9          Darkened Spectacles
10          Dastardly Delusions
11          Devious Pratfalls
12          Distorting Mirrors
13          Dog Droppings
14          Drainage and Sanitation
15          Draughty Shivers
16          Dreadful Boredom
17          Dust and Bones
18          Dwarven Brewing
19          Eronious Entertainment
20          Expedicious Egress
21          Experimental Failures
22          Faithful Delusions
23          Fantastic Statuary
24          Fatal Attractions
25          Fearful Retreats
26          Fish and Cheese
27          Flashing Spectrums
28          Flaxen Smokes
29          Forgetful Bliss
30          Fruity Paradise
31          Gambling Entertainment
32          Ghostly Hauntings
33          Gibbinous Greed
34          Gilded Knicknacks
35          Glaring Gargoyles
36          Glaring Misconceptions
37          Glorious Judgement
38          Glutonous Portions
39          Goblins and Poltergeists
40          Godly Proportions
41          Halfway There
42          Hardwares and Paper Goods
43          Joyous Revelry
44          Knee Deep Bat Guano
45          Lost Heroes
46          Magick and Science
47          Magnificent Lighting
48          Malicious Motions
49          Marble Fortitude
50          Memorable Portraits
51          Mewing Felines
52          Midigating Circumstances
53          Mighty Pillars
54          Mists and Decay
55          Moribund Fatalism
56          Moving Walkways
57          Multicolored Mold
58          Multitudinous Portals
59          Musty Dampness
60          Mysterious Ramblings
61          No Escape
62          Orgasmic Delights
63          Painful Rhumitism
64          Past Glories
65          Perpetual Strife
66          Placid Pools
67          Poisonous Vapors
68          Procelein Treasures
69          Prognosticated Doom
70          Rats, Snakes, and Killer Gorillas
71          Repackaged Goods
72          Research and Learning
73          Rest and Relaxation
74          Rotary Motion
75          Sadomasochistic Pleasure
76          Salads and Sausages
77          Sanctimonious Rebuttal
78          Savage Repulsion
79          Savory Scents
80          Secret Passages
81          Shady Dealings
82          Shining Stars and Midnight Skies
83          Sickening Thuds
84          Simetrical Perfection
85          Skyblue Vistas
86          Slavery and Sweat
87          Soft Music
88          Speedy Recovery
89          Spic Victuals
90          Squacking Beasts
91          Sugary Snack Foods
92          Sulferous Congestion
93          Torturous Devices
94          Urinary Disfunction
95          Vapor Action
96          Victorious Celebration
97          Viscious Attack Dogs
98          Volcanic Ramblings
99          Worship and Lament
100          Youthful Enthusiasm

Copyright 2013, John Sasso. All rights reserved.