
What'cha doing underground?

What that NPC is doing standing there in the underground tunnel.

d100 Roll What'cha Doing Underground?
1          Awaiting the messiah
2          Bashing two rocks together
3          Bathing
4          Beating the dog
5          Belching and farting
6          Biting my nails
7          Busy work
8          Camouflaging passageways
9          Chewing on a bone
10          Chicken plucking
11          Cleaning a kill
12          Collecting bones
13          Collecting mushrooms
14          Communing with evil
15          Contemplating my navel
16          Cooking
17          Counting my wealth
18          Dark rituals
19          Deficating
20          Digging new tunnels
21          Drinking beer
22          Drinking water
23          Drinking wine
24          Eating a kill
25          Eating a sandwich
26          Eating nuts
27          Eating sweets
28          Exercising
29          Feeling alone and depressed
30          Fixing things
31          Flipping a coin
32          Fornicating
33          Getting dressed
34          Hibernating
35          Juggling
36          Killing bugs
37          Knitting
38          Licking wounds
39          Listening intently
40          Looking for a leader
41          Looking for food
42          Making a basket
43          Making tea
44          Marching
45          Masturbating
46          Mining
47          Moaning in pain
48          Napping
49          Peeling an apple
50          Peeling potatos
51          Petting the cat
52          Picking my nose
53          Picking nose
54          Picking teeth
55          Playing cards
56          Playing mumbly peg
57          Plotting nefarious schemes
58          Poking at the weird thing with a stick
59          Polishing armor
60          Polishing weapons
61          Practicing a musical instrument
62          Praying
63          Preening
64          Pretending to be asleep
65          Protecting my property
66          Pushing an oar cart
67          Reading
68          Repairing tunnel damage
69          Resting
70          Running away from something
71          Scavanging remains
72          Scratching my ass
73          Setting traps
74          Sharpening weapons
75          Sketching on the walls
76          Slowly going mad
77          Smoking a pipe
78          Splitting wood
79          Standing on guard
80          Stretching
81          Strutting my stuff
82          Suicidal charge
83          Talking to self
84          Tending a fire
85          Throwing a body in the pit
86          Toting bails
87          Toting garbage
88          Toting water
89          Training my pet
90          Trying to find the way out
91          Urinating
92          Vomiting
93          Waiting in ambush
94          Waiting in suspended animation
95          Waiting patiently
96          Walking on guard duty
97          Washing clothes
98          Washing up
99          Wittling
100          Writing in my journal

Copyright 2013, John Sasso. All rights reserved.