
Timelines: Politics in Midgrad

The Destris are one of the founding dynasties in the Midgrad area.

Reign Monarc Notes of Interest
5194-5248 Queen Rinia Destri I The first queen of Ilnia, defeats the daemon Drek, founds the capitol of Vindstadt
5248-5255 Queen Destri II Pacifies the western savages
5255-5286 King Destri III The dilitant king, moves his palace to a pleasure barge in the south of Ilnia, leaves all decisions to his advisor
5286-5293 Queen Destri IV Attacks and captures the capital of Ionia forming the Ilionian hegemony, founds the Red Guard
5293-5299 King Destri V Signs trade agreements with the Ignomes and Dwarves, begins a program of road building
5299-5324 King Destri VI Builds the guard towers of Norvold to defend against orcish aggression
5324-5381 Queen Destri VII Killed by a princess of Ionia, ending the Ilionian hegemony
5381-5401 Queen Destri VIII Leads the Ilnian forces to several humiliating defeats in her attempts to regain Ionia
5401-5416 King Destri IX Marries a princess of Sconsia, signs a peace accord with Ionia, begins the building of the Bison Railroad, builds the Arena of Vindstadt
5416-5440 King Destri X Defeated by the forces of Miseria at the battle of Feldspring, abandons his kingdom and becomes a friar of Ix
5440-5442 Miserian occupation The throne is occupied by a governor of the king of Miseria
5442-5444 King Destri XI Leads Ilnian partisans to regain the throne
5444-5444 (1) Queen Destri XII Killed by the tripartate plague
5444-5444 (2) King Destri XIII Killed by the tripartate plague
5444-5444 (3) Queen Destri XIV Killed by the tripartate plague
5444-5624 King Destri XV Kept alive by the court magician, fought in the fungus wars, attempted to conquer Lusia, assassinated in his sleep
5624-5644 King Destri XVI Befriends the giant of Norkrag
5644-5652 Queen Destri XVII Killed in battle against Dania forces
5652-5671 Queen Destri XVIII Repulses the Danian forces, killed on her private barge by a Merman heroin
5671-5700 Queen Destri XIX Hostility compounded with the Evil Empire, trade suspended
5700 - 5707 King Destri XX Killed by giant rats
5707-5725 The Ratoregnum No monarch sits upon the throne
5725-5756 Emporer Danke Destri XXI The first emporer of Midgrad, uniting the kingdoms of Ilnia, Sconsia, and Ionia
5756-5773 Emporer Destri XXII After centuries of conflict, a peace accord with the kingdoms of Miseria and Dania is signed, renews trade with the Evil Empire
5773 Emporer Ranke Destri XXIII The current reigning monarch

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