Gods of the House Campaign
Diety | Association | Archetype | Description |
Aaargh | -- | Authority, Ecstacy, Nature, Writing | The god of graffiti and ancient scripts, ship figureheads, politics, green fantasies, and gravity, the returner of bad soup |
Acko | Kobald | Common People, War | The kobald goddess of the war cry and village defense |
Adbydea | -- | Fortune, Stars | The goddess of the morning star |
Adeler | -- | Stars, Travel | The god of the north star |
Ahl | -- | Fortune | The goddess of poking at things, water receptacles, and sunshine reflecting off of shiny objects |
Aigarn | -- | Trickster, Wealth | The god of the swindle, patron of black marketeers, or a patron of the common soldier |
Alascensis | -- | Flowers, Joy, Spring | The goddess of sweet smelling perfume, the goddess of springtime flowers |
Amplivax | Gremlin | Language, Trickster | The gremlin god of loud noises and ventriloquism |
Articular | Elf | Eloquence | The elvish goddess of public speaking and charisma |
Artram | -- | Travel | The goddess of squeaky wagons and carriages, enemy of Bonsgog |
Atfass | -- | Food, Luxury, Wealth | The god of leisure and rich foods, a patron of the privileged classes |
Atix | -- | Craft, Travel | The goddess of the long way around, a patron of public coach drivers, enemy of Wolley, or the goddess of games of logic and skill, the bringer of checkers |
Atria | -- | Autumn, Forest | The goddess of the autumn forest |
Aygar | -- | Adventure, Leadership, Lore | The god of eternal lecturing, a god of heroism and leadership, a god of adventure |
Babumdum | Troll | Crops, Music | The trollish god of farming and outhouses, the great drummer |
Badabing | -- | Authority, Outlaw, Romance | The goddess of seduction, daughter of Kapisch, the goddess of bendy straight |
Baidadine | -- | Monster, Trickster | The goddess of mass confusion and dead beached fish |
Bangtwiddle | -- | Animal, Love | The hamster goddess, sister of Twangbiddle, a love goddess |
Barbaras | -- | Leadership, Mother, Worldly-Power | The queen mother goddess of barbarians, patron of tribal leaders |
Barka | -- | Leisure, Dreams | The goddess of deep relaxing sleep |
Barrid | -- | Pain | The god of metallic voices and needles |
Bazal | -- | Builder | The goddess of barn raising |
Beetee Beetee | Kobald | Fool, Suffering | The kobald god of subservience, slavery, and comedy, the shiny metal skinned god |
Beetlebomb | -- | Defeat, Horses | A god of horses, the god who comes in last |
Belvis | -- | Fool, Innocence | The god of ignorance and guttural laughter |
Benver | -- | Eloquence, Luxury, Music | The god of the goatee beard, dark clothing, coffee shops, and smoking herbs, a god of kewl |
Bill de Bec de Guisarme | -- | Secrets, War | The god of multifaceted polearms, or a secret inner circle of the slayers guild |
Biltmoor | -- | Suffering, Trickster | The god of woolen undergarments and unreachable itches |
Binney | Shilting | Hospitality, Wealth | The shilting goddess of wealth and sharing |
Blambow | Dwarf | War, Travel | The dwarven goddess of artillery and travel, or the patron of circus performers |
Blat | -- | Earth, Fate, Labor | The god of mining accidents, the consort of Ingot |
Bloogie | -- | Disease | The god of disease and annoying situations |
Blort | Ogre | Food, Luxury | The ogre god of rich foods and flatulence |
Bonsgog | -- | Protector, Travel | The god of axle grease and safety in travel, enemy of Goggko and Artram |
Bonzo | -- | Worldly-Power | The god of monkey projectiles, actors, and politicians, the savior of ambiguous lesbians, a napkin god |
Boondoggle | -- | Suffering | The god no one takes seriously, when he manifests everyone ignores him and he gets rather depressed |
Brindleldnirb | Kaos | Monster, Strength | A god of kaos, the roundabout god of a thousand arms |
Brollup | -- | Marriage | The god of the wedding ceremony |
Broonsvik | Dwarf | Craft, Storms, War | The dwarven god of thunderstorms and bowling, a god of anger |
Bruk Engida | Snakemen | Animal, Labor | The goddess of snakes, healthy animals, and sorting stones by size, a friend to snakemen |
Bumskag | -- | Monster | The god awful |
Buplix | Shiznit | Romance, Pain | The shiznit goddess of the whip and romance |
Cana | Celestial | Beauty, Runes | A handmaiden of Frogurt, Dana's twin sister, goddess of lesbian lust and runes |
Candix | Troll | Beauty | The bubbly trollish cheerleader goddess, and goddess of chewing gum |
Cellulon | Elf | Healing | The elvish god of healing, waxed paper, and wrinkly thighs |
Cerebella | -- | Death, knowledge | The goddess of herbal poisons, pyrotechnics, and empty containers, a patron of alchemy |
Cetakaine | -- | Healing | The goddess of ointments, ungents, salves, and fingernail clippings |
Chiselthug | -- | Animal, Fire, Outlaw | The flaming camel headed god of thieves |
Crunkle | Goblin | Arts, Crafts | The goblin god of arts and crafts |
Curtnajit | -- | Labor | The two-in-one god of fraternal orders of city guards and watchmen |
Da'bute | Norse | Suffering, Travel | The norse goddess of travel and tension headaches |
Dana | Celestial | Beauty | A handmaiden of Frogurt, Cana's twin brother, god of make-overs |
Dapper | -- | Beauty, Pain | The goddess of fringe and leather whips, daughter of Kruther and Panache |
Darvin | -- | Magic, Romance | The god of romance between wizards |
Dawlick | -- | Death, Labor | The goddess of extermination, patron of rat catchers and bug hunters |
Demalar | Elf | Flowers, Love, Romance | The elvish goddess of romance, roses, and crimson clothing |
Dertrik | -- | Enigma | The goddess standing on the head of a pin |
Destrix | Ignome | Rulership, Trickster | The ignome god of subversion |
Devoris | -- | Death, Healing | A death god, a god of healing, the god of bones |
Dibble | Ignome | Food, Hospitality | The ignome god of dairy products, sharing, and caring |
Diggity | -- | Animal, Monster | A dog god, the patron of hellhounds, or a hot god |
Diluta | -- | Animal, Water | The goddess of the pond, the swan goddess |
Dongle | Pixie | Joy, Trickster | The pixie goddess of booby traps and practical jokes |
Doodoo | Shilting | Crops | The shilting goddess of fertilizer and farming, the scented one |
Dooham | -- | Fate, Nature | The green god of the hill landers and exaggerated pessimism |
Dorsalis | -- | Animal | Lord of sharks |
Drangfuddle | -- | Enigma | The god in a bucket |
Dreea | Hawkman | Moon, Wine | The hawkman god of wine, parties, and moonlight |
Drek | -- | Darkness, Founder | The daemon god of the undercity |
Dremmel | -- | Smith | The god of tools, patron of blacksmiths |
Driffit | -- | Monster, Plants, Suffering | The god of carnivorous plants, torturer of the blind |
Droogle | -- | Father, Sea | The purple eyed sea god, the lord of the seas, father of Frogurt |
Drot | Gremlin | Crops, Destruction | The gremlin god of farming, the blighter of crops |
Drungy | -- | Undead | A zombie god |
Dymex | Celestial | Light, Time | The goddess of time, sand, and lumpy candles |
Edster | -- | Horses | The god of horses and peanut butter |
Efelring | -- | Nature, Flowers | The god of wild flowers |
Eldon | Elf | Wine | The elvish goddess of beer, the mead hatcher, sister of Elrune |
Elrune | Dark Elf | Food, Leisure, Music | The dark elf god of mushrooms, music, and narcotics, brother of Eldon |
Enzina | -- | Suffering, War | The goddess of coughing fits and large amazon warriors |
Eppalaw | Celestial | Language, Knowledge | The god of the celestial archives, the patron of librarians |
Etzel | -- | Eloquence, Trickster | The goddess of steam, the talker who says nothing, the patron of used horse and camel salesmen |
Evotz | -- | Labor | The patron of hirelings and other subservient lackeys, the goddess of pickled animal parts |
Fandangle | -- | Outlaw | The god of prostitutes and pimps, the sneering one, enemy of Vizkiss |
Fideria | Goblin | Contracts, Wealth | The goblin goddess of wealth and commercial investments, the goddess of fine print |
Fillips | -- | Vengeance | The god of flat heads |
Flap and Flutter | Hawkman | Joy, War | The twin hawkman gods of aerial acrobatics, childhood playfulness, and quick aerial attacks |
Flava | -- | Crops, Nature | A nature goddess, the plower of fields and the sower of seeds |
Floopedy | Celestial | Innocence, Purity | The goddess of abstinence from sex, younger sister of Smidgedy |
Flumox | -- | Fate | The god of getting it completely wrong |
Fonebone | -- | Adventure, Builder, Trickster | The god who was here, runs around digging tunnels with treasure and traps |
Foom the Woc God | -- | Transformation | The contrary god, the god of crossbreeds |
Frezbottum | Dwarf | Fate, Wine | The dwarven god of the last call, a napkin god |
Frigidare | -- | Frost | The goddess of snow and ice |
Frogurt | Celestial | Beauty, Leadership | The goddess of creamy goodness and spoiled milk, queen of the gods, consort of Smidgedy |
Frumpitz | Dark Elf | Pain | The dark elf god of a thousand and one lashes, spiky hair, and narcotics |
Frunca | Norse | Fate | The norse goddess of just standing around, the loitering god |
Frurder | Norse | Suffering | The norse god of food poisoning and sea sickness |
Fumia | Killer Gorilla | Strength, War | The goddess of rage and cigars, mother of Frogurt, she of the raspy voice and gravely throat, a friend to killer gorillas, consort of Kapisch |
G'kukote | Lizardman | Plants, War | The lizardman goddess of ambush, bog moss, and swamp weeds |
Gaa | -- | Innocence | The goddess of village idiot mouth breathers and infancy |
Gackle | Hawkman | Storms, War | The hawkman god of clouds, rain, and the warflock |
Gamolah | -- | Animal, Protector | The turtle god, a friend to children |
Garsh | Ratling | Wealth | The ratling goddess of dampness and bounty |
Gastin | -- | Wealth, Enigma | The god of meditation, fencing, and finance |
Gastrion | Frogmen | Animal, Gluttony | The frog god, the patriarch of over eating, a friend to frogmen |
Gazortinblatz | -- | Trickster, Wisdom | The jester god |
Gelitt | -- | Seduction, Adventure | The god of beards and sharp blades |
Ghousia | Celestial | Food, Suffering | The god of cheesy comestibles and afflictions of the skin, half brother of Frogurt |
Glurgle | -- | Labor, Romance | The god of plumbers and sex with strangers |
Glynt | Sailors | Mother, Seas | The goddess of the seas, consort of Droogle, mother of Nereids |
Gnudell | Leprechaun | Food, Luxury | The leprechaun god of fine eating and potato pasta |
Gob | -- | Common People, Food, Labor | The goddess of diners and other fast food establishments, the waffle goddess |
Godzirra | -- | Animal, Protector | The lizard goddess, a protector of mankind |
Goggko | -- | Fate, Outlaw | The arch enemy of Bonsgog, the god of ambush and horse diapers |
Goshus Nax | -- | Victory, War | The triangle god, god of victory |
Grundge | Orc | Suffering, Vengeance, War | The orcish god of pillage and bad booze, the defiler |
Gubbins | -- | Animal, Trickster | The monkey god, god of cleverness, agility, and throwing feces |
Gulod | -- | Protector | The patron god of crazy cat ladies, the keeper of the number nine, a napkin god |
Gurkle | -- | Death, Outlaw | The goddess of throat slitting, a patron of assassins |
Hagbro | Troll | Builder | The god of bridges and bridge building |
Hardoc | -- | Messenger, Orchard, Romance | The god of apple growers and frilly underwear, the messenger of Woz |
Harskey | -- | Vengeance, Justice | The charioteer god, who's colors are red and white, a god of courage and impulsiveness, a patron of city guards, enemy of narcotics and prostitution, brother of Stutch |
Harumph | Ogre | Fate | The ogre goddess of standing around waiting for something to bash with your club |
Hedwig | -- | Fortune, Labor | The god of putting things on top of other things and prison escapes |
Hoover | -- | Destruction, Storms, Wind | The tornado god |
Huwe | -- | Rainbow | The rainbow god, patron of automatons, the expressionless one |
Idek | Dark Elf | Fate | The dark elf goddess of procrastination, waiting for messages which will never arrive, and narcotics |
Ihlpuck | -- | Innocence | The god of speaking too softly, piddling, and black stretch caps |
Indignia | Barbarian | Suffering, Victory, War | The barbarian god of seeing your enemy driven before you |
Infusia | Barbarian | Beauty, War | The warrior goddess of beautiful long hair and leggy barbarians |
Ingot | -- | Earth, Labor, Wealth | The golden goddess of the mother lode, consort of Blat |
Ix | -- | Death, Healing, Suffering | The god of suffering, healing, and minor miracles, the vampire slayer, the god of a thousand and one deaths |
Jabod | -- | Fate | The pantheon of the western reaches, just a bunch of deities |
Jakeli | -- | Craft, Death, Purification | The god of pickling and shriveling, patron of embalmers |
Jarolin | -- | Love, Plants, Enigma | The goddess of love and man-eating plants |
Jeejee'Oh | -- | Craft, Trickster | The goddess of puppetry, disguise, and ventriloquism |
Jevic | -- | Eloquence, Vengeance | The goddess of the razor wit |
Kamar Kecil | Shilting | Labor | The god of muckers and sewers systems, a friend to shiltings |
Kangol | Kaos | Monster, Night | The kaos goddess of the eternal night, or a daemon from the black pit |
Kanubians | Kaos | Disease, Monster | The kaos god of disease ridden necrobovines, a god of rot |
Kapisch | -- | Knowledge, Outlaw | The mafia goddess of knowledge and vague threats, consort of Fumia |
Karder | -- | All-Knowing, Wisdom | The watcher god, advisor to the celestial court, previous king of the gods, the god of peanuts |
Karunch | Orc, Barbarian, Ogre, Dwarf | War, Wisdom | The orc goddess of catapults and siege warfare, the dwarven goddess of devious traps, the ogre goddess of sneaking up and bashing something with your club, or a barbarian goddess of breakfast grains a |
Katowy | -- | Plants, Protector | The god of soft toys, hiding under the bed, and thistles |
Keederah | -- | Dragon, Monster | The three headed dragon god, an enslaver of mankind |
Keenox | Barbarian | Nature, Suffering | The barbarian god of sunburn, cactus, and things crawling into your boots at night |
Khonik | -- | Seas, Travel | A god of the seas, patron of navigators |
Khorlox | -- | Dreams, Purification | The goddess of bleached bones |
Kimer | -- | Magic | The god of magickal summonings and inflatable goat bladders |
Kimski | -- | Animals, Beauty | The goddess of snake posing and animal transformations |
Kishanery | Gremlin | Home, Joy, Trickster | The gremlin god of tricks and practical jokes, a household god |
Klamath | -- | Messenger | The teal god, herald of Kroix, a napkin god |
Klaw | -- | Debauchery, War | The warrior god of drinking, disorder, and cross dressing |
Knarl | Celestial | Smith | The god of the forge, patriarch of blacksmiths and armorers |
Kokobit | -- | Animal, Death, Labor | The goddess of taxidermy |
Konigat | Beastman | Animal | The beastman goddess of familiarity with one's animal side |
Kornolyo | -- | Innocence, Poetry | The god of corn, sugar, coffee, and random fits of insanity |
Kraa | Hawkman | War | The warrior goddess of the hawk people, the blood feather |
Krakor | -- | Fate, Spirit Guide | The goddess of wayward souls |
Kramfar | Dwarf | Fertility | The dwarven god of fertility |
Kramid | Hobgoblin | Outlaw, Trickster | The god of treachery and deceit, a patron of thieves, the hobgoblin god of backstabbing |
Kranbar | -- | Death, Monster, Travel | The thirteen armed goddess of defenestration |
Kreen | -- | Fortune, Travel | The god of the diaspora, god of horse saddles |
Krevo | -- | Knowledge, Magic | The god of solvents, narcotics, and illicit substances, a patron of alchemy |
Kroton | -- | Night, Stars | The god of the evening star |
Krumbum | Troll, Kaos | Food, Sex | The trollish god of sex and afternoon snacks, or a kaos god of sex and mass confusion |
Krumpy | Shiznit | Food | The cake goddess, the shiznit goddess of plentiful fatty sugary snacks |
Kruther | -- | Beauty, Craft | The god of finely cut clothing, patron of tailers, consort of Panache |
Kthack | Zombie | Undead | King of the zombies, bearer of the cup of souls |
Kubota | Barbarian | Destruction, Monster | The barbarian god of deforestation, enemy of elves |
Kuph | -- | Nature | The desert god |
Lambast | Goblin | Suffering, Vengeance | The goblin god of insults and foot fungus, he who's mouth is bigger than his head |
Lap | Shilting | Water | The shilting goddess of clean drinking water, a friend to cats |
Ledu | Pixie | Joy, Romance | The pixie god of the tease and the chase |
Lenk | -- | Beauty, Nature | The goddess of grey mists and curly hair, consort of Schmeed |
Limpa | -- | Food, Grain | The bread god |
Lishka | -- | Animal | The fox goddess |
Litgen | -- | Arts, Forest | The god of woodland fungus and paint brushes |
Luphagus | -- | Trickster | The god of snuff and invisibility |
Luxor | Celestial | Death, Life, Light, Rebirth | The goddess of mummification, celestial light, and rebirth |
Lyelow | Kobald | Hunter, Trickster | The kobald god of hunting and playing dead |
Macken Tosh | -- | Food, Trickster, War, Wisdom | The chipmunk god, the god of the violent dance, or a god of politeness, an apple god |
Madrox | -- | Fate | The god of the hitching post |
Magsk | Gremlin | Fire, Magic | The gremlin god of smoke and fire, a patron of magicians |
Maivagraf | -- | Knowledge, Writing | The goddess of charts and graphs, black lined parchment, and breasts |
Makofitz | -- | Common People | The god of fatherless children and mustaches |
Mandragore | Hobgoblin | Death, Monster | The hobgoblin goddess of blood sacrifice |
Mandugle | Beastman | Pain | The beastman god of slavery, whips, and chains |
Marlo | Celestial | Beauty, Craft | A handmaiden of Frogurt, goddess of wedding gowns |
Melanomia | Celestial | Sun | The sun goddess |
Mer'Krat | Mermen | Mother | The mother goddess of the mermen, a napkin god |
Mezzo | -- | Food, Outlaw | The mobster god of mediocrity and pasta sauces |
Mientras | -- | Fate | The god of indecisiveness, or maybe not |
Miskey | -- | Animal, Greed, Ruler | The mouse god of coveting small shiny things, according to Miskeyites, the one true god |
Moebutt | Dwarf | Beauty | The dwarvish god of bussles and fashion, the high stepper |
Mofoto | Ratling | Animal | The ratling goddess of indignity, the rat without a tail |
Montanicaæ | -- | Nature | The goddess of mountains |
Moonbuck | -- | Fate, Food | The goddess of expensive bitter beverages and stained clothing |
Morok | -- | Destruction, Nature | The earthquake goddess |
Mortimer | -- | Death, Underworld | A death god |
Murmur | Beastmen | Animal, Secrets | The goddess of small unidentifiable noises, the cat goddess, a friend to felines and beastmen |
Naglet | Kobald | Innocence, Vengeance | The kobald god of youth and mean spirited play |
Nardar | Orc | Darkness, Leadership | The orcish goddess of darkness, rulership, and narcotics |
Nawthrah | -- | Animal, Protector | The moth goddess, spinner of silk, a protector of mankind |
Necator | -- | Flowers | The god of flowers |
Neemoi | Elf | Knowledge, Wisdom | The elven god of logic |
Neglanominor | Celestial | Death | Supreme lord of the dead |
Neplotrex | -- | Fire, Stars | The god of shooting stars |
Nishell | -- | Language | The goddess of language and communications |
Niteram | -- | Knowledge | The god of untying knots, the patron of bearded sages, a hater of broccoli, a napkin god |
Norb | -- | Craft, Leasure | This old god, the god of carpentry, masonry, and beer drinking |
Nordwacker | -- | Plants, Labor, Romance | The god of gardens, lawn care maintenance, and losing virginity |
Notlob | -- | Deceit, Trickster | The god of beast masters and pet shop proprietors, a god of deceit |
Nyprow | -- | Crops, Labor | The god of the harvest |
Obbulux | -- | Animal, Crafts | The god of cows and cattle, the master of rope, pulleys, block and tackle |
Og Borvis | Ogre, Troll | Food, Knowledge, Luxury | The ogre goddess of fresh meat and over eating, or a trollish goddess of scholarly knowledge and fine dining |
Optipax | Formousi | Birth | The formousi god of the egg brood |
Ourbrac | Orc | Family, Knowledge, Secrets, Suffering | The orcish god of family secrets, or a daemon of regret |
Panache | -- | Beauty | The goddess of fashionable clothing and accessories, the well dressed goddess, consort of Kruther |
Parkmok | -- | Labor, Travel | The god of paving stones, the road god |
Parshal | -- | Food | The goddess of milky beverages |
Pasajarose | -- | Food, Labor, Travel | The god of low flying Lusians and rising bread dough, a patron of bakers |
Pazuzu | -- | Wealth | The goddess of coins |
Podgorney | -- | Craft, Fortune | The god of tailors, kilts, and ineptitude at athletics |
Pohie | -- | Fate | The god of sticky disks and unwashed dinnerware |
Potash | -- | Secrets | The goddess of strange green glows and green grocers |
Prattle | -- | Authority, Eloquence, Deceit | The patron deity of preachers, politicians, and soapboxers |
Primeria | -- | Creator | The first god |
Prisca | -- | Builder | The goddess of public lighting projects, arch enemy of Fandangle and Vizkiss |
Ramsease | Celestial | Fertility, Sex, Wisdom | The goat headed nature god of fertility and protection from fertility and disease |
Rava | Beastman | Suffering | The beastman goddess of salivation and hunger |
Redigo | -- | Animal | The serpent god |
Regalis | -- | Animal | The goddess of lions and tigers |
Renokmasiak | Lizardman | Food | The lizardman god of swamp onions and tubers |
Retsherd | -- | Death, Fate | The god of sudden death and spinning cubes |
Rhinokort | -- | Fate | The god of male sterility |
Riffle | Shilting | Animal, Leisure | The god of little round dogs and being pet on the head, the shilting god of sport and play |
Riph and Raph | Pixie | Forest, Innocense, Trickster | The twin pixie goddesses of woods, nature, fertility, and mischief |
Rockum | -- | Earth, Labor, Protector | The god of soft ores and stringy filaments, a friend of miners |
Rogstack | -- | Trade | The goddess of discount merchandice |
Ronson | -- | Fire | The goddess of flint and fire |
Rumple | -- | Trickster, Vengeance | The ignome god of trickery and revenge |
Runko | -- | Craft, Wealth | The god of street venders and strange gadgets, a friend to fishermen |
Russle | -- | Autumn, Craft, Forest | The god of the autumn leaves and hair dressers |
Sajax | Norse | Eloquence, Trickster, Wisdom | The norse god of pulling things out of one's arse and riddles |
Sardonica | Celestial | Clouds, Fate, Frost, Water | The goddess of bubbling brooks, waterfalls, frozen lakes, and icebergs, the goddess of grey clouds and sunless dreary days, or the troubled goddess of pessimism and doubt |
Sariak | Elf | Authority | The elven god of snobbery |
Satirev | Ignome | Knowledge | The ignome goddess of history, half truths, and hidden knowledge |
Sayvin | Dark Elf | Secrets, Worldly-Power | The dark elf god of the hidden light, mental powers, and narcotics |
Schatner | -- | Adventure, Eloquence, Leadership, Romance | The charismatic god of sex appeal, leadership, and dramatic pauses |
Schibe | -- | Art, Craft | The god of art, a patron to painters |
Schmeed | -- | Divination | The god of the other way, a patron of diviners, consort of Lenk |
Schmeldor | Dwarf | Death, Underworld | The dwarven god of the dead |
Schnazzy | Orc | Beauty | The orc god of fashion, the encrusted one |
Schnydler | -- | Craft | The patron of handymen, the god of fixing things broken things |
Schploonk | Shiznit | Fate | The shiznit god of defecation, he of the single eyebrow |
Sealios | Ignome, Celestial | Knowledge, Leadership | The ignome goddess of rulership, politics, intrigue, and knowledge, advisor to the celestial court of Smidgedy, wearer of the twin peaked hat |
Sekor'na | Merman | Plants, Protector | The merman goddess of the kelp beds, the protector of the weak and invalid |
Semprini | -- | Music | Goddess of entertainment, patron of singers, dancers, and other entertainers |
Serglube | -- | Vengeance, Water | The god of loogies and wet willies, the drooling god |
Shemwell | -- | Gatekeeper | The god of the gate, the bane of former mechanicians, enemy of Woz |
Sheyal | -- | Animal, Trickster | The jackal god |
Shim | -- | Builder, Smit | The god of propping things up, forger of the daemon swords |
Shvee | -- | Joy, Sky | The mistress of the bright blue sky |
Sivle | Elf | Vengeance, Sky | The elven charioteer of vengeance and war nipple rings |
Skarnickel | -- | Death, War | The bone cruncher, she who walks upon the bones of the dead |
Skrummy | Half Orc | Fate | The half orc god of just making it through another day, the god of hair oil and glossy sheens |
Skutter | -- | Labor, Vengeance | The god of subtly disguised rude comments, a patron of butlers, maids, and other domestics |
Slat'Tang'Tin'Bung | Mermen | War | The war god of the mermen |
Slurm | -- | Monster | The god of slime, the great icky thing |
Smidgedy | Celestial | Commitment, Father, Romance, Rulership | The god of relationships gone bad, king of the gods, consort of Frogurt |
Smoov | -- | Eloquence, Romance | The god of "Oh yeah baby, I'll do you like that." |
Snagles | Brownie | Beauty, Fertility | The brownie god of fashionable footwear, picnics, and fertility |
Snarlcox | -- | Food, Outlaw | The god of brigands, robbers, and citrus fruits, a breakfast god |
Snecma | Goblin, Celestial | Joy, Mother, Vengeance | The queen deity of all goblins, goddess of revenge and happiness |
Snerd | Elf | Asceticism, Plants | The elven god of moss and fasting, a napkin god |
Snoggle | Orc | Fertility, Sex | The orcish goddess of sex and procreation |
Sogatuk | -- | Food, Hospitality | The goddess of inn keepers and fudgy confections |
Soogy | Leprechaun | Nature, Rainbow, Sky | The leprechaun goddess of the rainbow, grey skies, and wet fields |
Spackle | Pixie | Trickster | The pixie god of dropping overly ripe fruit on people |
Splint | Hobgoblin | Healing, Protector, War | The goddess protector of beggars and cripples, the hobgoblin goddess of battle wounds and shaman healers |
Sploing | Brownie | Death, Fate, War | The brownie god of mass slaughter and pointless death |
Splort | Leprechaun | War | The leprechaun goddess of war, the shillelagh whacker |
Splurch | -- | Protector | The mud goddess, patron of the mudmen |
Spudger | -- | Healing, Pain | The god of dentists and dental hygiene, the spitting god |
Stabiloe | -- | Protector, Seas | The goddess of protection from storms at sea and from embarrassing situations |
Stank | Shiznit | Fate | The god of body odor |
Starker | Dark Elf | Death, Outlaw | The god of the silent death, the dark elf god of stealth, thievery, and narcotics |
Stebko | Dwarf | Food | The dwarven goddess of cooking and iron rations |
Sterwin | Snakemen | Animal, Family | The god of familial spats and feuds, the protector of snakes and lizards, a friend of snakemen |
Stockenbert | -- | Sea, Travel | The god of lobsters and sandels |
Stucko | -- | Home, Labor | The god of plaster, stoop sweeping, and inferior home repairs |
Stutch | -- | Vengeance, Justice | The blond god, a god of courage and planning, a patron of city guards, enemy of narcotics and prostitution, brother of Harskey |
Swabia | Barbarian | Knowledge, Silence | The sagacious goddess of silence, the patron of barbarian librarians |
Swaggle | Goblin | Deceit, War | The goblin god of deceit and the war horn |
Swish | Faerie | Mother | The mother goddess of all faeries |
Tahkay | Sailors | Seas, Protector, Travel | A god of the seas, patron of helmsmen and pilots |
Targalis | -- | Sky, Temple | The god of the sky temple |
Tave Dommus | Norse | Animal, Food | The beaver god, god of backbacon, donuts, and beer |
Teenzie | Shilting | Fate | The shilting goddess of frizzy hair and split ends |
Tennex | Kaos | Monster, Suffering | A kaos god, the brain eater |
The Moon Beaver | -- | Fate | A savage totem, beware its coming, especially if you are made of wood |
The Necrozephyr | -- | Adventure, Knowledge, Storms | The death god of storms, spies, and drug induced trances |
The Schlog | -- | Otherworld, Travel | The daemon god of Schlogsport, transcended of the dimensions |
The Shadow Lords | -- | Darkness, Otherworld, Rulership | The god rulers of the shadows planes |
The Three Sisters | -- | Healing, Justice, Darkness | The goddesses of healing, justice, and darkness |
Thorek | -- | Animal, Labor | The god of bristly antenna, refuse, and refuse collectors, the cockroach god |
Tickety Boo | Norse | Luxury | The norse god of casual goodness and smoking herbs |
Tickety Mal | Norse | Suffering | The norse god of defeat, the dark side of Tickety Boo |
Tordrill | -- | Earth, Labor, Water | The god of well digging |
Toter | Kobald | Suffering | The kobald goddess of feeling inferior |
Tranquilia | Celestial | Luxury, Peace | The goddess of calm, warm baths, and foot rubs, the sweet smelling goddess |
Traxle | Leprechaun, Dragon | Dragon, Sleep, Wealth | The god of hoarding wealth, miserliness, leprechaun god of shiny glittery wealth, or the peaceful sleeping dragon |
Treng La'Nech | Mermen | Vengeance, Sea | The merman god of vengeance |
Trounse | Kobald | Defeat, War | The goddess of defeat on the battlefield, the kobald goddess of war |
Tubrinates | -- | Animals, Debauchery, Plants | The twin goddesses of vegetables, twine, birds nests, and lesbian bacchanalia |
Tw'ox | Orc | Animals, Water | The orcish god of animal horns and condensation |
Twangbiddle | -- | Death, Fate, Romance | The lemming goddess, sister of Bangtwiddle, a love goddess, the goddess of suicide |
Twangle | -- | Animals, Spirit Guide | The squirrel god, the collector of souls |
Ugleon | -- | Craft, Romance | The god of up one side and down the other |
Utu | -- | Justice | The goddess of balance and justice |
Vebber | -- | Fire | The god of fire and ash |
Venturol | Dark Elf | Air | The dark elf goddess of air, incense, and narcotics |
Vertifrax | Kaos | Deceit, Wealth | A daemon of false promises and ill gotten wealth |
Vitalich | -- | Craft, Death, Knowledge | The goddess of bodily dismemberment and pungent balms, the patron of vivisectionists |
Vizkiss | -- | Protector | The goddess protector of prostitutes, enemy of Fandangle |
Vort | Ratling | Animal, Earth, Labor | The ratling goddess of digging deep tunnels |
Waddelli | -- | Food, War | The god of turkeys, posturing, violent attacks, and festive meals |
Warsh | Shilting | River | The shilting god of streams and bubbly brooks |
Wasoho | Barbarian | Fate | The warrior god of overweight barbarians, the god of biogasses |
Weedzie | Faerie | Forest, Plants, Secrets | The faerie goddess of forests, mushrooms, and crop circles |
Wego | Goblin | Knowledge, Secrets | The goblin goddess of knowledge and not being seen |
Werdina | -- | Fate, Knowledge | The god of tying knots, over sleeping, and red headed sages, a napkin god |
Wilkner | -- | Outlaw, Vengeance | The suave god of thugs, oiled chains, and hitting things, a god of kewl |
Wolley | -- | Labor, Travel | The goddess of rickshaws and inane conversation, enemy of Atix |
Woodsie | -- | Debauchery, Forest | The great owl of erotic parties and protector of forests from litter, the giver of hoot |
Woopie | Shilting | Trickster, Sex | The shilting god of carnal urges and practical jokes |
Woz | -- | Builder, Knowledge | The god of emphatic agreement and engineering genius, patron of artificers and mechanicians |
Xen | -- | Death, Life, Peace, Self-Discipline | The god of peacefulness in life and death |
Xenox | Barbarian | War | A savage barbarian god of war, the wielder of the flying spinning machetes of death, a warrior manifestation of Xen |
Xost | Hawkman | Mother, Protector | The hawkman god of the nest |
Xoyk | -- | Wealth | The patron god of money lenders, diamond merchants, furriers, physickers, and barristers, the historical father of Ix |
Yathor | Celestial | Debauchery, Wine | The god of unfounded judgement, a son of Smidgedy and Frogurt, bringer of the beer butt bong |
Yob Vox | -- | Death, Outlaw, Undead | The goddess of reanimating the dead, a patron of necromancers and grave robbers |
Yuffie | Shilting | Protector, War | The shilting war chicken of doom, a friend to farmers |
Zick | Gremlin | Smith | The gremlin god of the forge and flick knives |
Zotic | Gremlin | Food, Deceit | The gremlin goddess of truth through deceit, or a goddess of tasty beverages |