Demographics: Group Descriptions
Leaders and notes of the powerful groups in the campaign.
Group | Leader | Location | Interests | Notes |
Knights of Fumia | Sir xxx | Countryside of Ilnia and Ionia | All things chivalrous. | Known for their cigar smoking and gravely voices. Main temple and barracks are in Bervyn. |
Knights of Ix | Sir xxx | Countryside of Ilnia and Sconsia | All things chivalrous. Glory through personal suffering. | Main temple and barracks are in Vindstadt. |
Goblins of the Undercity | xxx | Caves and tunnels beneath northern Ilnia | All things mean and nasty. | xxx |
Ogres of Skarwood | xxx | The Skarwood in Western Ilnia | All things mean and nasty. | xxx |
Orcs of the Norvold | xxx | Forests of northern Ilnia and southern Sconsia | All things mean and nasty. | xxx |
Orcs of the Purple Claw | Warlord xxx | Western and southern Ilnia, eastern Ionia | All things mean and nasty. | Giant wolf riding nomads. |
Orcs of the Undercity | xxx | Caves and tunnels beneath northern Ilnia | All things mean and nasty. | xxx |
Rat Catchers Guild | Guild Master xxx | The City of Vindstadt | Eradication of all giant rats. | xxx |
High Elves of Crystal Lake | xxx | The island in the Crystal Lake in Northern Myseria | Magickal and esthetic pursuits. | Secretive and reclusive. |
Underworld | No central leader | Major cities and places of political power | Manipulation of governments and guilds for profit. | xxx |
Slavers Guild | Guild Master xxx | Wilderness areas and trade centers | Profit through the capture and sale of slaves. | xxx |
Teamsters Guild | Guild Master xxx | Trade routes and trade centers | Profit through the transportation of goods. | xxx |
Great Lake Pirates | Blood Beard the Pirate King | Barnicle Island City and the southern coast of the Great Lake | Profit through thievery. | -- |
Pumba River Pirates | Captain xxx | The length of the Pumba river | Profit through thievery. | -- |
Thieves Guild | Guild Master xxx | Major cities | Profit through thievery. | Guild halls and members are kept secret. |
Merchants Guild | Guild Master xxx | Major cities and trade routes | Profit through trade. | xxx |
Weasel Rider Clan | xxx | Wilderness of southern Ilnia | Protection and breeding of giant weasels. | Giant weasel riding nomads. |
Folk of Skarwood | xxx | The Skarwood in western Ilnia | Protection of the sacred forests. | Mostly half-elves, but also humans, elves, and brownies. |
Elves of Snarl Swamp | King Dorial | Snarl swamp in northern Myseria | Protection of the sacred swamp forests. | -- |
Mermen of the Great Lake | Queen Sekalb V | Schprengen and all areas of the Great Lake | Protection of the sacred waters. | At war with the cities of the Great Lakes. |
Lizardmen of Snarl Swamp | xxx | Snarl Swamp in northern Myseria | Protection of their sacred plynths. Death to all trespassers. | xxx |
Free Rangers of Midgrad | Ranger xxx | Countryside of Ilnia, Ionia, Sconsia, and Myseria | Protection of travellers and settlers in the wilderness. | -- |
Wizards Guild | Guild Master xxx | Major cities and places of high magickal energy. | Pursuit of magickal knowledge and power. | xxx |
Ratlings of the Undercity | The King Rat | The Undercity beneath Vindstadt, sewers, rivers, and lakes | Rapid propagation of their race, protection and breeding of giant rats. | xxx |
Clan of the Lizard Khan | Hershomish the Lizard Khan | Wilderness of western Ilnia. | Recovery of their sacred relics. | Horsemen and nomads. |
Giant of Skarwood | xxx | The Skarwood in Western Ilnia | Sleeping mostly. | xxx |
Witches of Lawnoaks | Witch Queen xxx | Lawnoaks, Undercity | The overthrow of the Duchy of Bervyn. All things mean and nasty. | Only come out at night. |
City of Vindstadt | Ubermeister Dik Yearly, Emporer Ranke Destri | North eastern Ilnia, on the Great Lake | Trade. | Built over the Undercity. Capital of Ilnia and Midgrad. |
Duchy of Bervyn | Duchess Varia Dunkin | North eastern Ilnia, on the Pumba River | Trade. | Clandestine war with the Witches of Lawnoaks. |
Beastmen of Weasel Keep | xxx | The Norvold, northern Ilnia | xxx | xxx |