
Demographics: Group Descriptions

Leaders and notes of the powerful groups in the campaign.

Group Leader Location Interests Notes
Beastmen of Weasel Keep xxx The Norvold, northern Ilnia xxx xxx
City of Vindstadt Ubermeister Dik Yearly, Emporer Ranke Destri North eastern Ilnia, on the Great Lake Trade. Built over the Undercity. Capital of Ilnia and Midgrad.
Clan of the Lizard Khan Hershomish the Lizard Khan Wilderness of western Ilnia. Recovery of their sacred relics. Horsemen and nomads.
Duchy of Bervyn Duchess Varia Dunkin North eastern Ilnia, on the Pumba River Trade. Clandestine war with the Witches of Lawnoaks.
Elves of Snarl Swamp King Dorial Snarl swamp in northern Myseria Protection of the sacred swamp forests. --
Folk of Skarwood xxx The Skarwood in western Ilnia Protection of the sacred forests. Mostly half-elves, but also humans, elves, and brownies.
Free Rangers of Midgrad Ranger xxx Countryside of Ilnia, Ionia, Sconsia, and Myseria Protection of travellers and settlers in the wilderness. --
Giant of Skarwood xxx The Skarwood in Western Ilnia Sleeping mostly. xxx
Goblins of the Undercity xxx Caves and tunnels beneath northern Ilnia All things mean and nasty. xxx
Great Lake Pirates Blood Beard the Pirate King Barnicle Island City and the southern coast of the Great Lake Profit through thievery. --
High Elves of Crystal Lake xxx The island in the Crystal Lake in Northern Myseria Magickal and esthetic pursuits. Secretive and reclusive.
Knights of Fumia Sir xxx Countryside of Ilnia and Ionia All things chivalrous. Known for their cigar smoking and gravely voices. Main temple and barracks are in Bervyn.
Knights of Ix Sir xxx Countryside of Ilnia and Sconsia All things chivalrous. Glory through personal suffering. Main temple and barracks are in Vindstadt.
Lizardmen of Snarl Swamp xxx Snarl Swamp in northern Myseria Protection of their sacred plynths. Death to all trespassers. xxx
Merchants Guild Guild Master xxx Major cities and trade routes Profit through trade. xxx
Mermen of the Great Lake Queen Sekalb V Schprengen and all areas of the Great Lake Protection of the sacred waters. At war with the cities of the Great Lakes.
Ogres of Skarwood xxx The Skarwood in Western Ilnia All things mean and nasty. xxx
Orcs of the Norvold xxx Forests of northern Ilnia and southern Sconsia All things mean and nasty. xxx
Orcs of the Purple Claw Warlord xxx Western and southern Ilnia, eastern Ionia All things mean and nasty. Giant wolf riding nomads.
Orcs of the Undercity xxx Caves and tunnels beneath northern Ilnia All things mean and nasty. xxx
Pumba River Pirates Captain xxx The length of the Pumba river Profit through thievery. --
Rat Catchers Guild Guild Master xxx The City of Vindstadt Eradication of all giant rats. xxx
Ratlings of the Undercity The King Rat The Undercity beneath Vindstadt, sewers, rivers, and lakes Rapid propagation of their race, protection and breeding of giant rats. xxx
Slavers Guild Guild Master xxx Wilderness areas and trade centers Profit through the capture and sale of slaves. xxx
Teamsters Guild Guild Master xxx Trade routes and trade centers Profit through the transportation of goods. xxx
Thieves Guild Guild Master xxx Major cities Profit through thievery. Guild halls and members are kept secret.
Underworld No central leader Major cities and places of political power Manipulation of governments and guilds for profit. xxx
Weasel Rider Clan xxx Wilderness of southern Ilnia Protection and breeding of giant weasels. Giant weasel riding nomads.
Witches of Lawnoaks Witch Queen xxx Lawnoaks, Undercity The overthrow of the Duchy of Bervyn. All things mean and nasty. Only come out at night.
Wizards Guild Guild Master xxx Major cities and places of high magickal energy. Pursuit of magickal knowledge and power. xxx

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